Protect Columbia County
Stop the construction of a 267 acre industrial-sized commercial solar facility.
Leave a comment so New York State knows to reject
the Shepherd's Run Solar Project.
How would the Shepherd's Run Solar Project impact Columbia County?
Millions in property value loss
According to independent researchers, homeowners near the Shepherd's Run industrial solar farm in Columbia County could see their property values decrease by up to 5%. Homes and farms directly next to or in view of the project will likely become impossible to sell.
The industrial solar energy site would be located next to Taconic Hills Central School
The out of state energy company will construct their site right next to Taconic Hills Central School. Property values in the Taconic Hills Consolidated School District could decrease by up to $3 million.
Immediate negative impact on natural resources and the environment
The Shepherd's Run industrial solar farm would have a devastating effect on our land. Wetlands, waterways and forests in the area would be damaged by the toxic waste produced by the project. This would cause harm to endangered and threatened species including bald eagles.